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DWSIM Sensitivity… 07-080-10The Reflux ratio and purity attained do…05-01-2321601vidyavija…
DWSIM Introductio… 08-0940-50How do one set "Override Separation Tem…08-03-1714341priyamnay…
DWSIM Sensitivity… 08-0940-50Unable to find Adjust in the Object Pal…20-03-1717251priyamnay…
DWSIM Introductio… 08-0930-40Overrdide seperation temperature22-02-1811721HaareshAu…
DWSIM Custom-Unit… 08-0910-20Using Scilab after Installing Required …16-05-206641dkrcf
DWSIM Plug-Flow-R… 08-090-10Cannot locate "Unit Operations" to drag…27-08-204271priyamnay…
DWSIM Heat-Exchan… 08-0910-20Not getting option to enter Overall Hea…27-08-203931priyamnay…
DWSIM Introductio… 08-0920-30vapor material stream18-02-213231VAISHNAVI…
DWSIM Heat-Exchan… 08-0920-30heat exchanger19-02-214171alphapal7…
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DWSIM Sensitivity… 08-0940-50My logical operator it doesn't work20-02-214691LuisR_Reb…
DWSIM Rigorous-Di… 08-0910-20Cannot find the pressure column in Stag…12-03-2421511666
DWSIM Creating-a-… 09-1020-30Where to change the name of the Materia…02-03-1712961priyamnay…
DWSIM Sensitivity… 09-100-10Unable to select Controlled Variable an…20-03-1720711priyamnay…
DWSIM Rigorous-Di… 09-1010-20Unable to locate the Results section in…27-08-203901priyamnay…
DWSIM Continuous-… 09-1030-40Getting Error when solving flowsheet06-10-206201mruthyunj…
DWSIM Continuous-… 09-1020-30Kinetics of the reaction not found.18-10-205231shikharra…
DWSIM Continuous-… 09-100-10CSTR02-11-206531Elvin
DWSIM Continuous-… 09-1040-50My results of simulation doesn't match.09-02-216931rauttanma…