saving . . . saved Error message has been deleted. Error message has been hidden .
Error message
Error while opening python plotting editor. please look at console for more details error message dialog box appear
doAnalyse: iteration limit reached appears in ngspice dialog box

eSim Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 05-06 min 0-10 sec 26-02-19, 8:48 p.m. Dharm_007


could you please post the cir.out file here?
26-02-19, 8:56 p.m.
How to post that file
26-02-19, 9 p.m. Dharm_007
Eeschema error when open new project and saved then please suggest resolve this problem.
04-07-19, 9:09 a.m. dm85
could you please specify what error message are you getting @dm85?
04-07-19, 9:11 a.m.

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On the left hand side of eSim application, you will see list of projects. Click on the project you are trying to simulate and you will see numerous files, one of them will be having an extension cir.out. Open it, copy the contents and paste it here.
26-02-19, 9:04 p.m.
I am unable to understand sorry
But thanks for your speedy response and support
26-02-19, 9:10 p.m. Dharm_007

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How to create such file cir.out files as it's been shown examples of other circuit but not in one which I had created
26-02-19, 9:15 p.m. Dharm_007

* /home/fossee/esim-workspace/integrator/integrator.cir



.include ua741.sub


x1 net-_r2-pad1_ net-_c1-pad2_ out ua741


r1 in net-_c1-pad2_ 10k


r2 net-_r2-pad1_ gnd 1k


r3 out gnd 1k


c1 out net-_c1-pad2_ 100n


r4 net-_c1-pad2_ out 100k


v1 in gnd pwl(0m 0 0.5m 5 25m 5 25.5m -5 50m -5 50.5m 5 75m 5 75.5m -5 100m -5)


* u1 in plot_v1


* u2 out plot_v1


.tran 10e-03 100e-03 0e-03



* Control Statements






print allv > plot_data_v.txt


print alli > plot_data_i.txt


plot v(in)


plot v(out)





26-02-19, 9:21 p.m. Dharm_007
did you follow the steps mentioned in the spoken tutorials. In order to simulate the circuit, you need to perform kicadtongspice conversion. Do that step and if you still face any problems, revert back to us
26-02-19, 9:48 p.m.

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YES I performed kicad to ngspice conversion 
schematicFile FIRSTPROJECT.sch
26-02-19, 9:59 p.m. Dharm_007
do the kicadtongspice conversion again but increase the step time from 10ms to 25ms
26-02-19, 10:11 p.m.

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I too have the same problem. Can you help me too
16-03-19, 11:21 a.m. Marmitechap
Can you please post your cir.out file here
18-03-19, 10:34 a.m.

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