saving . . . saved how generate a single tab MARC framework for require fields has been deleted. how generate a single tab MARC framework for require fields has been hidden .
how generate a single tab MARC framework for require fields
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I want to generate a single tab MARC framework for require tag fields like as : '000', '003', '005', '008', '020', '040', '041', '044', '082', '100', '245', '250', '260', '300', '440', '490', '500', '504', '650', '700', '942', '952', '999''.  How can do this please tell step by step solution.

Koha-Library-Management-System Create-MARC-framework 04-05 min 20-30 sec 03-11-18, 5:07 p.m. sumitmandal


Create new framework using default marc frame work and then delete all unwanted tags and retain the tags which you want to use as per your requirement.
14-11-18, 9:53 a.m. manju
Sir, thank you for responding my question. Sir there was 342 tags ,I need only 27tags, if do the manual then that was time consuming, that process not fullfill the fifth law of library science. Sir please told me the another time saving process. I was asked this question only for that.
14-11-18, 5:09 p.m. sumitmandal

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Import the framework in csv file  and delete the unwanted tags and then you can export  the edited marc frame work this is the best way to save your time.
14-11-18, 5:33 p.m. manju

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