saving . . . saved Creation of epotFoam solver from icoFoam has been deleted. Creation of epotFoam solver from icoFoam has been hidden .
Creation of epotFoam solver from icoFoam
I am trying to create a epotFoam solver from icoFoam. After creating the files, when I am trying to run the case, it is showing the following error:

keyword PotE is undefined in dictionary/fvSolution.solvers from line 22 to line 52.
From function const Foam::dictionary& Foam::dictionary::subDict(const Foam::word&) const in file db/dictionary/dictionary.C at line 701.
FOAM exiting

Can some one pls help me with this error.

OpenFOAM General None min None sec 28-07-18, 5:06 p.m. ravindra336


Is any term "PotE" term is used in the equation?
If so the the numerical scheme to solve the term should be specified in the fvSolution file.
To get a clear idea I need to check the solver. If possible send it to
30-07-18, 12:06 p.m. sathishk12
Thanks. Problem solved.
02-08-18, 1:19 p.m. ravindra336
Can you tell me how you solved it? I am facing the same issue.

02-07-19, 3:33 p.m. sakshamj97
in the fvSolution file in system directory, add the term PotE like the rest of the variables in the file as shown below:

solver PCG;
preconditioner DIC;
tolerance 1e-07;
relTol 0.01;

Use the solver and preconditioner accordingly. This will solve the problem

02-07-19, 3:55 p.m. ravindra336
I did what you said about this issue, but I got the same error.
13-01-20, 12:16 a.m. hosseinsz

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The numerical scheme has to be added for PotE function, in the fvSolution file
02-08-18, 1:21 p.m. ravindra336

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