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Installation issue
I have installed python as per instructions without error. I checked in programs, but there is only folder name Python27, and there is no iPython folder available. When I try to run ipython from search it displays message as ipython is crashed. and press any key to exit.

Kibdly help me out from this as there is workshop today itself.

Python Getting-started-with-ipython 00-01 min 0-10 sec 06-07-18, 9:39 a.m. Tara


<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">Right now the best alternative is to download Canopy </span><span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;"><span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">with Python 3.x.</span>.</span>\n<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">\n</span>\n<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">
<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">
<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">Please ask participants to follow below steps:</span>
<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">1. Download Canopy from <a href="" target="" title="">here (Install as per your system configuration[32 or 64 bit])</a> </span>
<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">2.</span><span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;"> If they have downloaded Canopy with Python 3.x.</span>\n<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;"></span>\n<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">
<span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;">3.</span><span class="tL8wMe EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style="text-align: left;"> Launch the package manager from canopy and install pyqt.
    Or launch the canopy terminal (in tools menu) and on the terminal type: edm install pyqt</span>
06-07-18, 11:11 a.m. pratham920

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