Error with 3 input gates
I used 3 input AND gate 74LS15 in one of my project. But the gate is only giving 0.0 output when it should give High( 5 ) and also when it should give Low(2.5e-02).
like the gate is not working.
Please help.
Oscad Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 09-10 min 0-10 sec
Hi, the components that can be simulated are available in the Oscad libraries (that end with the word Spice). So if you want to simulate a digital component, you need to look in the libraries digitalSpice and/or digitalXSpice. If the component is not listed in these libraries (for eg., 74LS15 is not listed), you can't use it for simulation at the moment. We are adding more components to the library. You can also create component libraries and contribute them to Oscad.
It'll be great if they are added soon. But if they somehow cannot be added soon, Can we continue using multiple 2 input gates for 3 input and 4 input gates in the example questions ?
Another option is - You can create 4:1 MUX as a subcircuit and re-use it across projects. To know more about subcircuits, refer to the Chapter on subcircuit builder in the Oscad book.
Re-use - I meant 'import'
but i m getting error in NgSpice-
"vprint8_1.sub: No such file or directory
Error: .include statement failed."
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