saving . . . saved Error: 'KiCad to NgSpice' window opens and goes in a blink. has been deleted. Error: 'KiCad to NgSpice' window opens and goes in a blink. has been hidden .
Error: 'KiCad to NgSpice' window opens and goes in a blink.
After creating schematic and giving analysis details, when I clicked on 'KiCad to NgSpice', it opens it's window but it dissappears immediately after showing an error.
        Valueerror: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'filename.cir'

I encountered this error while dealing with 3 input gates. And again i got the same error while makig a project using NMOS and PMOS FET. 

Oscad Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 09-10 min 0-10 sec 30-04-14, 12:57 p.m. Huzefa


Is there a space between words in your project name? If so, re-do the project after omitting the spaces.
30-04-14, 2:24 p.m. rakhiwarriar

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