saving . . . saved error while installing openfoam has been deleted. error while installing openfoam has been hidden .
error while installing openfoam
Dear Friends,
i am installing openfoam on ubuntu.
i am getting the following error:
icoFoam command not found.

kindly help.

OpenFOAM Installing-Running 06-07 min 50-60 sec 07-01-14, 6:11 p.m. Dinesh_Dhande


Hi Dinesh,

Can you please explain to me where exactly do you get the error. From your query I can guess two reasons of you getting this error,

1 ) Your installation is not done properly, reinstall and check.
2 ) You may be trying to run "icoFoam" command from 0, constant or system directory, which happens with most of the beginners. You have to run it outside these directories.

Rahul Joshi
08-01-14, 12:51 p.m. rahuljoshi

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