Pre - requisite tutorial
Good afternoon ,
I am unable to add the world map on my QGIS interface . The tutorial mentions that it has been taught in pre-requisite video , but I am unable to find it . Kindly help me with the pre-requisite tutorial .
QGIS Coordinate-Reference-Systems 02-03 min 30-40 sec
Please do the following:
Open any web browser, In the address bar, type
Natural Earth Data website opens.
Click on Downloads link.Downloads page opens. Scroll down the page.
Under Large scale data, click on Cultural button. download the country administration boundary files. Under heading Admin 0 – Countries,Click on Download countries button.
A dialog-box opens which prompts you to save the file. Selct Save file option. Click on OK button.
The process of download file downloads to the downloads folder.
Extract the contents of the zip file. open the extracted folder.
Here we see many files with different file extensions.This is a vector type of dataset.
Open QGIS interface and view the downloaded files.
Click on Layer menu on the menu bar. From the menu options, select Add Layer.
From the sub-menu click on Add Vector Layer. Add Vector Layer dialog-box opens.
Select File as Source type. System as Encoding
Under Source heading, click on Browse button.
Navigate to the admin countries folder, downloaded from the natural earth data website.
From the contents of the folder, select the file with .shp extension.
Click on Open button. In the Add vector layer dialog-box, click on Open button.
A world map opens on the canvas.
Save the map.
Click on Project in the menu bar.
Scroll down click on Save button.
In the dialog-box give a file name and choose location.
Click on Save button.
Hope this helps
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