saving . . . saved Unable to download Linux software system for Front accounting 2.4.7 has been deleted. Unable to download Linux software system for Front accounting 2.4.7 has been hidden .
Unable to download Linux software system for Front accounting 2.4.7
1) The faculty has downloaded the CD content of Front accounting 2.4.7
2) Download the Ubantu Linux app from microsoft store.
3) Has a windows 10 version PC.

Issue: unable to download the linux on the windows OS.
(The windows Subsystem for linux is not been enabled.)
(This app can't run on your PC)

FrontAccounting-2.4.7 Installation-of-FrontAccounting-on-Windows-OS 00-01 min 0-10 sec 17-01-25, 8:58 p.m. sagarsanwariya


If you have windows 10, please follow the steps in the below tutorial and do the installation.
12-02-25, 12:37 p.m. NirmalaVenkat

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