Assembly programming for WIndow OS
please guide me to install and run first assembly code on arduino on window os. As tutorial video explaining assembly program on linux os. one should also explain on window too.
Arduino Assembly-programming-through-Arduino 07-08 min 50-60 sec
The video shows the installation process of downloading the AVRA and AVRDUDE. Check the tutorial from 2.30 minutes to 3.25 minutes. About the first assembly code, continue watching the tutorial and implement the steps on your system simultaneously.
; written by: 1o_o7
; date: <2014|10|29>
; version: 1.0
; file saved as: blink.asm
; for AVR: atmega328p
; clock frequency: 16MHz (optional)
; Program funcion:---------------------
; counts off seconds by blinking an LED
; PD4 ---> LED ---> R(330 ohm) ---> GND
.include "./"
; Declarations:
.def temp = r16
.def overflows = r17
.org 0x0000 ; memory (PC) location of reset handler
rjmp Reset ; jmp costs 2 cpu cycles and rjmp costs only 1
; so unless you need to jump more than 8k bytes
; you only need rjmp. Some microcontrollers therefore only
; have rjmp and not jmp
.org 0x0020 ; memory location of Timer0 overflow handler
rjmp overflow_handler ; go here if a timer0 overflow interrupt occurs
ldi temp, 0b00000101
out TCCR0B, temp ; set the Clock Selector Bits CS00, CS01, CS02 to 101
; this puts Timer Counter0, TCNT0 in to FCPU/1024 mode
; so it ticks at the CPU freq/1024
ldi temp, 0b00000001
sts TIMSK0, temp ; set the Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable (TOIE0) bit
; of the Timer Interrupt Mask Register (TIMSK0)
sei ; enable global interrupts -- equivalent to "sbi SREG, I"
clr temp
out TCNT0, temp ; initialize the Timer/Counter to 0
sbi DDRD, 4 ; set PD4 to output
; Main body of program:
sbi PORTD, 4 ; turn on LED on PD4
rcall delay ; delay will be 1/2 second
cbi PORTD, 4 ; turn off LED on PD4
rcall delay ; delay will be 1/2 second
rjmp blink ; loop back to the start
clr overflows ; set overflows to 0
cpi overflows,30 ; compare number of overflows and 30
brne sec_count ; branch to back to sec_count if not equal
ret ; if 30 overflows have occured return to blink
inc overflows ; add 1 to the overflows variable
cpi overflows, 61 ; compare with 61
brne PC+2 ; Program Counter + 2 (skip next line) if not equal
clr overflows ; if 61 overflows occured reset the counter to zero
reti ; return from interrupt
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