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Simulating astable multivibrator
upon clicking the simulate option in esim, the application closes automatically. Unable to perform simulation,how to resolve this issue?

eSim Simulating-an-Astable-Multivibrator 10-11 min 0-10 sec 02-04-24, 7:53 p.m. Mothish


Dear Mothish,

Please paste the .cir.out file here. To do so,

Double click on the project. 
Click on the .cir.out file.
Copy the file and paste it here.

Thanks & Regards,
Sumanto Kar
05-04-24, 5:39 p.m. SumantoKar
<a href="" target="_blank" title=".cir.out file">.cir.out file</a>
05-04-24, 8:53 p.m. Mothish

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Dear Mothish,

For some reason, some of the components were interchanged like the LED models were connected to transistor and vice versa. Please try this now:
.title kicad schematic

.include LED.lib
.include BC547B.lib
q1 led1 net-_c2-pad2_ gnd BC547B
c1 led1 net-_c1-pad2_ 22u
r2 in net-_c1-pad2_ 68k
r1 in net-_d1-pad1_ 1k
* u1 led1 plot_v1
d1 net-_d1-pad1_ led1 LED
c2 led2 net-_c2-pad2_ 22u
r3 in net-_c2-pad2_ 68k
d2 net-_d2-pad1_ led2 LED
r4 in net-_d2-pad1_ 1k
* u3 in plot_v1
q2 led2 net-_c1-pad2_ gnd BC547B
v1 in gnd  dc 9
* u2 led2 plot_v1
.tran 10e-03 12e-00 0e-00

* Control Statements 
print allv > plot_data_v.txt
print alli > plot_data_i.txt
plot v(led1)
plot v(in)
plot v(led2)

Also, please create an issue in the GitHub page of eSim:

Thanks & Regards,
Sumanto Kar
eSim team

05-04-24, 10:42 p.m. SumantoKar
Still getting the same error

<a href="" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" target="_blank" title="error image">error image</a>
06-04-24, 9:12 p.m. Mothish

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Dear Mothish,

Are you using eSim-2.4? Can you try on eSim-2.3?

Sumanto Kar
eSim Team
06-04-24, 9:36 p.m. SumantoKar
Yes, but it works on esim-2.3.Thanks!
07-04-24, 8:21 p.m. Mothish
Dear Mothish,

Thanks. Please feel free to create an issue here:

Thanks & Regards,
Sumanto Kar
eSim Team
07-04-24, 10:14 p.m. SumantoKar

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The issue is now resolved in eSim-2.4. Please follow these steps during the installation:

Thanks & regards.
Sumanto Kar
eSim team
27-04-24, 8:57 p.m. SumantoKar

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