saving . . . saved installation of geditor text editor, ubuntu linux 16.04 os and html5 has been deleted. installation of geditor text editor, ubuntu linux 16.04 os and html5 has been hidden .
installation of geditor text editor, ubuntu linux 16.04 os and html5
not getting any idea about how to install geditor text editor, ubuntu 16.04 os and html5..plz help

gedit-Text-Editor General None min None sec 23-03-24, 5:03 p.m. Pritisk400


Dear User,

open the terminal & type the following command
sudo apt get install gedit

If you have any query , kindly reply.

26-03-24, 11:16 a.m. Spokenuser
but getting confused while downloading ubuntu

26-03-24, 3:50 p.m. Pritisk400

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