saving . . . saved Number of cells in mesh does not equal size of cellLevel has been deleted. Number of cells in mesh does not equal size of cellLevel has been hidden .
Number of cells in mesh does not equal size of cellLevel
Hello every one, using this tutorial with my OF 2.1 i've got the following issue once i executed the "snappyHexMesh -overwrite"
if you know how to solve it, please help me.

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Read mesh in = 1.234 s

Overall mesh bounding box  : (-0.03 -0.03 -0.03) (0.03 0.03 0.01)
Relative tolerance         : 1e-006
Absolute matching distance : 9.38083e-008

Reading refinement surfaces.
Read refinement surfaces in = 0.204 s

Reading refinement shells.
Refinement level 3 for all cells inside refineHole
Read refinement shells in = 0 s

Setting refinement level of surface to be consistent with shells.
Checked shell refinement in = 0.125 s

Reading features.
Refinement level 0 for all cells crossed by feature "flange.eMesh" (767 points,
776 edges).
Detected 18 featurePoints out of 767 on feature flange.eMesh
Read features in = 0.031 s

Determining initial surface intersections

Number of cells in mesh:8000 does not equal size of cellLevel:35656
This might be because of a restart with inconsistent cellLevel.

    From function hexRef8::getLevel0EdgeLength() const
    in file polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/hexRef8.C at line 357.

FOAM aborting

OpenFOAM Generating-Mesh-using-snappyHexMesh 09-10 min 0-10 sec 08-04-17, 3:01 a.m. manuelffonseca



This error generally happens when you stop a previous SnappyHexMesh and try to run SnappyHexMesh again. I suggest that you try clearing out the files generated by SnappyHexMesh and restart the solver. Please be careful to not delete any important files like the STL file, only delete the extra files generated by SnappyHexMesh.

08-04-17, 12:32 p.m. anmolsahoo

Thanks you Anmol

Solved, i followed your advice, but only had to delete the files generated by the "surfacefeatureextract" and in addition y wrotte the following commands,


surfaceFeatureExtract -includedAngle 150 -writeObj constant/triSurface/flange.stl features

snappyHexMesh -overwrite


then i got a nice simulation...

Best regards
Fonseca Manuel Fermin
09-04-17, 11:18 p.m. manuelffonseca

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