saving . . . saved Missing of radial capacitor component has been deleted. Missing of radial capacitor component has been hidden .
Missing of radial capacitor component
As per the video timing of 8-9m & 50-60s in version 2.1 the "radial capacitor component is missing" instead of that what i can use

eSim Mapping-Components-with-Footprints 08-09 min 50-60 sec 26-01-24, 6:11 p.m. Arun12072004


Dear Arun,

You can use any capacitor footprint depending on your requirement on the actual PCB. Radial capacitor is just an example shown in the video.

Thanks & Regards,
Sumanto Kar
eSim Team

12-03-24, 10:42 p.m. SumantoKar

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