saving . . . saved Difference between %run <file name> and %run -i<file name> has been deleted. Difference between %run <file name> and %run -i<file name> has been hidden .
Difference between %run <file name> and %run -i<file name>
When should we use %run -i<file name> command and when should we use %run <file name> command?

Python-3.4.3 Parsing-data 09-10 min 50-60 sec 02-06-23, 11:57 a.m.


The %run magic command allows you to run any python script and load all of its data directly into the interactive namespace. Since the file is re-read from disk each time, changes you make to it are reflected immediately

The %run & %run -i both the commands produce the same output.

25-07-23, 2:39 p.m. Spokenuser

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