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problem on 3-BIT ADC circuit
Having an error on simulating 3-bit ADC. Pls, give me a simulation.

* c:\users\abhishek\esim-workspace\3_bit_adc\3_bit_adc.cir

.include 8by3_priority_encoder.sub
.include buffer_circuit.sub
.include comparator_circuit.sub
x16 a0 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out0 buffer_circuit
x1 lvl7 vin gnd lvl7 gnd a7 comparator_circuit
x2 lvl6 vin gnd lvl6 gnd a6 comparator_circuit
x8 lvl0 vin gnd lvl0 gnd a0 comparator_circuit
x7 lvl1 vin gnd lvl1 gnd a1 comparator_circuit
x3 lvl5 vin gnd lvl5 gnd a5 comparator_circuit
x6 lvl2 vin gnd lvl2 gnd a2 comparator_circuit
x5 lvl3 vin gnd lvl3 gnd a3 comparator_circuit
x4 lvl4 vin gnd lvl4 gnd a4 comparator_circuit
x15 a1 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out1 buffer_circuit
x14 a2 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out2 buffer_circuit
x11 a5 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out5 buffer_circuit
x12 a4 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out4 buffer_circuit
x13 a3 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out3 buffer_circuit
x9 a7 lvl7 gnd out7 buffer_circuit
x10 a6 net-_x10-pad2_ gnd out6 buffer_circuit
x17 out7 out6 out5 out4 out3 out2 out1 out0 adc2 adc1 adc0 8by3_priority_encoder
v1 lvl7 gnd  dc 9
v2  vin gnd sine(0 5 50 0 0)
r1  lvl7 lvl6 100
r2  lvl6 lvl5 100
r3  lvl5 lvl4 100
r4  lvl4 lvl3 100
r5  lvl3 lvl2 100
r6  lvl2 lvl1 100
r7  lvl1 lvl0 100
r8  lvl0 gnd 100
* u1  a7 plot_v1
* u2  a6 plot_v1
* u3  a5 plot_v1
* u4  a4 plot_v1
* u5  a3 plot_v1
* u6  a2 plot_v1
* u7  a1 plot_v1
* u8  a0 plot_v1
* u10  out7 plot_v1
* u11  out6 plot_v1
* u16  out5 plot_v1
* u9  out4 plot_v1
* u12  out3 plot_v1
* u13  out2 plot_v1
* u14  out1 plot_v1
* u15  out0 plot_v1
* u17  adc2 plot_v1
* u18  adc1 plot_v1
* u19  adc0 plot_v1
.tran 5e-03 30e-03 0e-00

* Control Statements 
print allv > plot_data_v.txt
print alli > plot_data_i.txt
plot v(a7)
plot v(a6)
plot v(a5)
plot v(a4)
plot v(a3)
plot v(a2)
plot v(a1)
plot v(a0)
plot v(out7)
plot v(out6)
plot v(out5)
plot v(out4)
plot v(out3)
plot v(out2)
plot v(out1)
plot v(out0)
plot v(adc2)
plot v(adc1)
plot v(adc0)

eSim Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 11-12 min 10-20 sec 11-05-23, 8:55 p.m. Agent_47


Dear eSim user,

Please send us the screenshot and complete details of your circuit. Here it is seen that you have uploaded a couple of subcircuits, but you have not attached them.

Please give us the above details.

Sumanto Kar
eSim Team

11-05-23, 11:10 p.m. SumantoKar

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