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The topic headline and description contradiction.
In the following link how the data hiding concept is possible if the static method can't  override, even if they have same signature. Please check the point no. 2 headline and its description in the photo, in the link.

Java Static-Methods 00-01 min 0-10 sec 27-06-22, 3:30 p.m. sc256356


Sample Program: Demonstration of different behaviour of static and non static methods.
class Super{
public static void sample(){
System.out.println("Static Method of the Super class");

public void disp(){
System.out.println("Non-Static Method of the Super class");

public class Sub extends Super {
public static void sample(){
System.out.println("Static Method of the Sub class");

public void disp(){
System.out.println("Non-Static Method of the Sub class");

public static void main(String args[]){

// Sub class instance with reference to Super class
Super obj = new Sub();
//Class Method binding to Super class reference at compile time
//Instance Method binding to Sub class at run time though referencing to Super class

//Sub class instance with reference to Sub class
Sub obj1 = new Sub();
//Class Method binding to Sub class reference at compile time (Thus, Hiding the Super class method)
//Instance Method binding to Sub class at run time also referencing to Sub class

Static Method of the Super class
Non-Static Method of the Sub class
Static Method of the Sub class
Non-Static Method of the Sub class

Note: Class methods are early binding (Compile time) methods,  while Instance methods are late binding (Run time) methods.
Instance methods and class methods behave differently, thus different terms - "overriding" for instance methods and "hiding" for class methods are used.

28-06-22, 12:47 p.m.

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