Problem in Assignment question
I haven't understood the assignment question madam/sir? There you put some conditions:-
a)count=0 then LED should RESET (Simply we can't do this at one try, we can use an equal to compare instruction after using some vcounter type methodology and Add instructions as used in the Compare instruction Tutorial taught by you. Should we use that method here? If yes then where's the use of CTC counter in this lecture's assignment),
b)count=1, LED should start BLINKING (I can do this),
c)count=2, LED should SET (What do we mean by SET, Upto what you taught I haven't seen or learnt such instruction or condition).
OpenPLC-with-LDmicro CTC-Counter 09-10 min 20-30 sec
When we say LED should RESET, it means to turn off LED and LED should SET means LED should turn on.
They are not instructions, it's the general terminology.
Secondly, the circular counter is used to change the value of the count (the variable associated to it).
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