saving . . . saved No DEM option available has been deleted. No DEM option available has been hidden .
No DEM option available
dont have DEM open available in analysis tab 

After adding tif file
clicking on Raster/Analysis, no DEM option is available 

QGIS DEM-Analysis 04-05 min 10-20 sec 26-05-22, 5:29 p.m. Abhinav-Kumar


In QGIS 3.16 or higher versions, you carry out the following steps :

Go on the Layer Tab in the Menu Toolbar >> Add Layer >> Add Raster Layer >> Add your raster file (DEM) from the location where it is stored >> Click Add >> Go on Raster Tab in the Menu toolbar >> Extraction >> Clip Raster by Extent >> Select Input Layer – SRTM DEM >> Clipping Extent >> Choose Select Extent on Canvas >> Drag and select the area on which you have to work>> carry out the further steps as shown in tutorial.

26-05-22, 7:50 p.m. meetagupta

In higher versions, go to Raster Tab >> Analysis >> Hillshade. This method gives similar result to what is being said in the video.
06-12-24, 6:49 p.m. Japsiftee

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