saving . . . saved Unable to locate OpenStreetMap option has been deleted. Unable to locate OpenStreetMap option has been hidden .
Unable to locate OpenStreetMap option
I am unable to locate OpenStreetMap option under Vector menu. I am using QGIS 3.16

QGIS Plugins 07-08 min 0-10 sec 24-05-22, 2:39 p.m. hbammkanti


In QGIS 3.16, follow the given steps to get the open street map:

Go to Plugins tab in Menu Toolbar >> Manage and Install Plugins >> Search Quickmapservices >>  Install the plugin >> Go to the Web tab in Menu Toolbar >> Select Quick Map services >> Select Open Street Map (OSM) >> OSM Standard
24-05-22, 3:44 p.m. meetagupta

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