saving . . . saved Building form with the help table. has been deleted. Building form with the help table. has been hidden .
Building form with the help table.
I am unable to create a database(table) with the form.
Kindly guide me on how to create a database(table).

LibreOffice-Suite-Base Build-a-complex-form-with-form-controls 03-04 min 30-40 sec 28-10-21, 4:49 p.m. Meenu1229


Please go through the "Introduction" tutorial to create the database and tables. Follow the tutorial in sequence and practice.

Form is GUI ( graphical user interface) where you can link with the database. You can't create a database with the form.
28-10-21, 6:10 p.m. NirmalaVenkat

Graphical user interface 

03-12-24, 2:05 p.m.

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