installing ipython and biopython
I tried installing ipython and biopython using synaptic app manager as describe in the file. But in synaptic manager ipython was not showing, instead ipython3 was showing. So i had to install python 3 for ipython3 and biopython. I am doing all following installations with python3 . Even for QGIS. Is there any issue with using python 3 over python 2.7?? Or is it ok.? As both are different. If not please let me know the exact packages in synaptic package manager.
Python-3.4.3 Getting-started-with-IPython 00-01 min 10-20 sec
Python 3 is a major version change. There are some differences in terms of commands and APIs/functions/naming convention etc, however these are not drastic changes and are easily available in any documentation.
Doing all installations such that they support Python 3 is the correct way forward.
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