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How to install AVRA and AVRDUDE in arduino please clarify the problem
Please give the any link to install the AVRA and AVRDUDE SOFTWARE ,so that we can do the further exercise.<font size="2">We are facing the problem in lecture no. 1060.</font>

Arduino Seven-Segment-Display 02-03 min 30-40 sec 29-07-21, 4:30 p.m.


Can you tell exactly in which tutorial are you working now?
Seven segment display doesn't require this AVRA And AVRDUDE installation.

If you need, you can refer to the additional reading material (3rd page) in the link below.
29-07-21, 4:58 p.m. NirmalaVenkat

     We are facing problem in lect. no 1060.
1. We need to install an assembler AVRA and AVRDUDE
2. AVRA is an assembler that will generate a hex file
3. AVRDUDE is used to uplod any hex file to the arduino board
      how to install this above file.
30-07-21, 11:24 a.m.

What is your OS? Windows or Linux?

If you are Linux user, watch the below tutorial. It is explained from 2:35

If you are windows user,refer to the additional reading material (3rd page) in the link below.
30-07-21, 3:24 p.m. NirmalaVenkat

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