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Running Simulator Error
Using DWSIM version 6, on ChemSep - Absorption Column Tab, by clicking the 'check input and solve' button (green play button on top left corner) and then multiple 'OK' and 'Yes', while Running Simulator, it gave a Warning: Tr > 1 in Liquid density (682.9K > 658.0K) Select Retry or Ignore to continue, which showed only 'OK' button. Clicking the 'OK' button then 'Done' button, closing the ChemSep - Absorption Column Tab, the flowsheet remains red.
I cross checked the data many times, all set the same as in tutorial. I tried finding what the error meant, but I still could not. Help me out.


DWSIM Absorption-Column 10-11 min 20-30 sec 14-07-21, 8:09 p.m. Deena_S


Please allow necessary access to view and download the file so that we can look into the issue.
16-07-21, 3:28 p.m. priyamnayak

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