Changing the text
I had connected my phone and installed the hello world app .Now I had problem in changing the text "Hello World " into "Welcome to spoken tutorial" ,while enter the code "myFirstTextview" . I had no vision of box that showing the text option but I had the box that showing set of ,array of..... options. what can I do now ? can I select any other option instead of selecting 'text' option?
Android-app-using-Kotlin Getting-started-with-Hello-World-app 11-12 min 40-50 sec
Click on the File menu in the menu bar and Select Invalidate Caches/ Restart menu.
Close the project and open it again.
I am also having the same problem. I am using android Studio 4.2.1. I can't change the Hello World! text into "Welcome to spoken tutorial", myFirstTextView coming in red color. Video lesson from the video 11.49..
Restart Android studio. If your RAM is 4GB better restart your system and try again. Edit the text. It will work. Dr.R.Senthilkumar, IRTT
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