saving . . . saved Changing the text has been deleted. Changing the text has been hidden .
Changing the text
        I had connected my phone and installed the hello world app .Now I had problem in changing the text "Hello World " into "Welcome to spoken tutorial" ,while enter the code "myFirstTextview" .  I had no vision of box that showing the text option but I had the box that  showing set of ,array of..... options.  what can I do now ? can I select any other option instead of selecting 'text' option?

Android-app-using-Kotlin Getting-started-with-Hello-World-app 11-12 min 40-50 sec 30-05-21, 8:03 p.m. Mirduvarshini


Click on the File menu in the menu bar and Select Invalidate Caches/ Restart menu.
Close the project and open it again.
31-05-21, 3:14 p.m. NirmalaVenkat
I am having the same problem in changing the text "Hello World" into any other text. I've tried selecting this Invalidate Caches/ Restart menu and it's still not working...I am still not getting the text option in list....what should I do now?
06-06-21, 11:21 p.m. mantavya93

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What version of Android studio are you using?
07-06-21, 2:01 p.m. NirmalaVenkat

I am also having the same problem.  I am using android Studio 4.2.1. I can't change the Hello World! text into "Welcome to spoken tutorial", myFirstTextView coming in red color. Video lesson from the video 11.49.. 
01-07-21, 1:01 a.m. jatsho

Restart Android studio. If your RAM is 4GB better restart your system and try again. Edit the text. It will work. Dr.R.Senthilkumar, IRTT
22-07-21, 5:59 a.m. Rsenthil_1976

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