saving . . . saved Unable to install the python packages and hence not able to initialize pylab has been deleted. Unable to install the python packages and hence not able to initialize pylab has been hidden .
Unable to install the python packages and hence not able to initialize pylab
Respective sir/ma'am,
                            I am not able to install the python package "matplotlib". For the purpose of installing it I downloaded anaconda and in the anaconda prompt i installed all the packages but then when i started working on my Ipython interpreter it says "module not found". Also using the pip i downloaded the "matplotlib" package,  but still it shows "import error:DLL load failed".And also i am working on Windows 10 and not on Ubuntu Linux O.S.

Python Using-the-plot-command-interactively 01-02 min 10-20 sec 09-05-21, 4:44 p.m.


Please make sure that you launch the Interpreter using the Anaconda interface.

You seem to have made multiple parallel installations in different environments. In case Anaconda interpreter is not giving you the right results please uninstall all instances of Python and Anaconda and please ONLY install ANaconda and use the interpreter.
24-06-21, 4:26 p.m. ankitrj.iitb

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