saving . . . saved function,keyword and command has been deleted. function,keyword and command has been hidden .
function,keyword and command
what is the difference between a function,keyword and command? So far we are using all the three ,still i dont know the difference.

Python Getting-started-with-for 06-07 min 10-20 sec 27-04-21, 3:10 p.m. sakshiST


It seems to me that some keywords are really just functions. For example, <code>return 3</code> could equally be thought of as <code>return(3)</code> where the return function is implemented natively in the language. Or in JavaScript, <code>typeof</code> is a keyword, but it seems very much like a function, and can be called with parentheses.
28-04-21, 3:59 p.m. Aniruddha6899

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