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About assignment
Inside of assignment of this tutorial, one point is:
1. Repeat the steps of using final keyword tutorial for the bike and vehicle class
My question is, is it necessary to create all variables and methods as shown in this tutorial). And then perform the steps?. Or 
Is it necessary to create variables and methods which are related to bike and vehicle class and then perform the steps shown in the tutorial on that variables and methods.

Java Using-final-keyword 10-11 min 20-30 sec 25-04-21, 10:37 p.m. Tanmay_Avinash_Patil


In this assignment one has to create variables and methods which are related to bike and vehicle class and then perform the steps shown in the tutorial on those variables and methods.
15-07-21, 3:53 p.m. hbammkanti

Based on the assignment statement the code snippet sheet can be modified.
for the given assignment statement variables related to bike and vehicles class can be created and proceed
06-12-21, 8:48 p.m. Harish1605

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