saving . . . saved Unable to see text and problem while using import statement has been deleted. Unable to see text and problem while using import statement has been hidden .
Unable to see text and problem while using import statement
I am sharing 2 links that contain the photos of my problems that I faced in the Packages Modelica tutorial. 
The first problem is that I cannot see the text when I open the as you can. I just see 3-4 lines of code but none of the classes created.
secondly, when I use the import statement, a dialog box opens. Please refer to the images I have shared. 
Thank you! and

OpenModelica Modelica-Packages 06-07 min 20-30 sec 24-03-21, 4:02 p.m. ghouse0403


Can you please mention the version of OpenModelica that you are using.
24-03-21, 5:47 p.m. priyamnayak
I am using OpenModelica v1.17.0-dev.beta2 (64 bit)
24-03-21, 6:40 p.m. ghouse0403
Please use official release of OpenModelica. Avoid using the Nightly Build or Dev version.
25-03-21, 10:40 a.m. priyamnayak

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