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Filter Unit Op.
 Is the filter unit Operation in DWSIM under the 'Solids' tab a " Rotary Drum Filter" working with a constant pressure drop across it? and is the 'submerged<span style="background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);"> fraction' input the fraction of solids in the feed?</span>

DWSIM General None min None sec 02-03-21, 5:20 p.m. Yashraj987


The filter unit operation is not a Rotary Drum Filter in specific. Rather, it's a continuous cake filter where feed, filtrate, and cake move at steady constant rates. It is evident that the process consists of several steps in series - cake formation, washing, drying, and discharging - and that each step involves a progressive and continual change in conditions. The pressure drop across the filter during cake formation is, however, held constant.

15-03-21, 11:12 a.m. priyamnayak
Thanks priyam sir
15-03-21, 11:36 a.m. Yashraj987

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