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How to use MinGW compiler in windows environment
Dear Sir/Madam, I have performed all the steps as mentioned in the installation and instruction sheets regarding installation of MinGW compiler in windows operating system. In the tutorial the process to execute and create the program in linux is expained but there is no demonstration of how to use MinGW compiler in windows environment. So please explain this.

C-and-Cpp First-C-Program 00-01 min 0-10 sec 05-08-16, 12:12 p.m. suneel


Hello Suneel,

Pls visit the following link for MinGW compiler in Windows.

Nancy Varkey
05-08-16, 12:15 p.m. nancy

Hello Suneel,

Pls visit the following link for instructions on using MinGW compiler in Windows.

Nancy Varkey
05-08-16, 12:16 p.m. nancy
Hello Nancy,
The link as mentioned by you only explains how to install this MinGW compiler in windows. I have also successfully completed all 33 steps as mentioned in the installation sheet. Now the next thing is how to use this compiler. So please demonstrate that.
05-08-16, 12:38 p.m. suneel

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Dear Suneel,

Pls visit the following link for detailed instructions on how to use the C/C++ spoken tutorials and MinGW compiler in Windows.

Nancy Varkey
05-08-16, 4:44 p.m. nancy

. Write the program in Notepad++ in some folder in a drive (E.g. Create a folder program inexampleD drive)

void main()

Give a file name Sample.c and Click File menu and saveit

Take command prompt by typing cmdin Run
Then change directory to the place where you saved the file (E.g your file Sample. c is in D:\\\\program)
cd program
(This will give a prompt D:\\\\program>)

gcc Sample.c -o sample
(Here sample.exe will become the name of the output file)
press enter key
This will compile the program
If no error nothing will be shown. Otherwise it will show error details then correct the error and again compile)

/If no error RUN the program

Renetha J.B
29-02-20, 12:46 p.m. renethajb

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