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Fetal error in NGSPICE
Problem in KicadtoNgspice I am unable to press convert bar and i simulate it fetal error shows.

Circuit: * c:\fossee\esim\examples\half_adder\half_adder.cir

ERROR - node net-_u7-pad1_ cannot be both analog and digital
EVTinit: ERROR - node net-_u7-pad1_ cannot be both analog and digital

Error: circuit not parsed.
Error(parse.c--checkvalid): allv: no such vector.
Error(parse.c--checkvalid): alli: no such vector.

internal error -- segmentation violation

eSim Editing-a-Subcircuit 10-11 min 10-20 sec 13-02-21, 12:02 p.m. PriyanJaiswal@786


hi, add a DAC and ADC between said nodes

you cannot connect a digital node to analog mode without conversion
check eSim_Hybrid library
13-02-21, 12:04 p.m. Saurabhb17
For 5th Pin of half Adder u have to take DAC_bridge_1 for connection?
13-02-21, 12:10 p.m. PriyanJaiswal@786
For 5th Pin of half Adder u have to take DAC_bridge_1 for connection?
13-02-21, 12:10 p.m. PriyanJaiswal@786

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