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Error during DSPACE installation on Windows OS
While installing postgresql with the link provided, i am able to download the file as postgresql-11.10-2-windows-x64. After downloading, while installing the file, the password window is not present. But, in the demo, it asks for password. After installation, when i try to do DSPACE installation, and type the command mvn - U clean package in command prompt, it shows error.

DSpace Setting-up-Tomcat-and-Postgresql-on-Windows-OS 06-07 min 0-10 sec 13-02-21, 10:31 a.m. PADMARAJK


Download the postgresql-11.10-2-windows-x64.exe file and while installation please run as administrator. Else you can use any higher version of postgersql.
Maven build may fail due to various reasons. You need to ensure that you have done all the steps in the earlier tutorials and you have got the results as demonstrated in the video.

13-02-21, 11:39 a.m.

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