saving . . . saved stream has been deleted. stream has been hidden .
for stdout we use >, for stderr we use 2>, for stdin what we use?

Linux Redirection-Pipes 10-11 min 10-20 sec 04-12-20, 5:19 p.m.


Generally, standard input, referred to as "stdin", comes from the keyboard.

When you type stuff, you're typing it on stdin (a standard input terminal). A standard input device, which is usually the keyboard, but Linux also allows you to take standard input from a file.

For example:

cat < myfirstscript 
This would tell cat to take input from the file myfirstscript instead of from the keyboard (This is of course the same as: cat myfirstscript).
18-03-21, 4:35 p.m. ganeshmohite

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