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What are 'waypoints' ?
What are 'waypoints' in synfig studio? What is the difference between 'waypoints' and 'keyframes' ?

Synfig Bouncing-ball-animation 00-01 min 0-10 sec 09-11-20, 6:26 p.m. samuel_sarao


<span class="gmail-tL8wMe gmail-EMoHub" dir="ltr" id="" style=""><font size="3">WayPoints are a symbolic graphical node on time track panel. There are variants  of waypoints
While animation mode is on - if properties value changes of object/s then at that particular time/frame changes are stored and Waypoints appears.</font></span>
<font size="3">Keyframe is vertical line mark  in the timeline</font>
<span class="gmail-tL8wMe gmail-EMoHub" dir="ltr"><font size="3">While animation mode is on -  if properties value changes of object/s then at that particular frame changes are stored and keyframe appears (as triangle shape) on "timebar".</font></span>
<span class="gmail-tL8wMe gmail-EMoHub" dir="ltr"><font size="3">
<span class="gmail-tL8wMe gmail-EMoHub" dir="ltr"><font size="3">keyframe remembers the values of the parameters at that frame but does not keep them static at that frame. To maintain a parameter's value static in a certain frame you must use a waypoint.
<span class="gmail-tL8wMe gmail-EMoHub" dir="ltr">
15-03-21, 4:06 p.m. saurabhsgadgil

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