saving . . . saved Didn’t get space between two words. has been deleted. Didn’t get space between two words. has been hidden .
Didn’t get space between two words.
i write code same as given in video. but at the end my output is "WelcomeKrishna" instead of "Welcome Krishna" . there is no space between two words . and same happen with "Gender:Male" instead of "Gender : Male"

Android-app-using-Kotlin Adding-Radio-Buttons 07-08 min 40-50 sec 26-09-20, 12:21 p.m.


Please note the space within the double quotes after"welcome "text. It is shown in the video at 7:11.

Likewise at 7:34 the gender is typed as "Gender : ". A space is given between the Gender and semicolon.

These are all string data types. Whatever you type between double quotes, the entire text is considered as string including spaces.
26-09-20, 7:10 p.m. NirmalaVenkat
05-10-20, 11:52 p.m.

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