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finding max velocity over time
Good evening sir,
i watched all your tutorials and i am using openfoam. would you please tell me how to find maximum/minimum velocity over time ?

OpenFOAM Turbulent-Flow-in-a-Lid-driven-Cavity 10-11 min 40-50 sec 05-04-16, 4:32 p.m. vnarayana.wgl


Dear Narayana,

You can calculate the maximum and minimum velocity in Paraview by plotting 'U' or you can also use Foam object utility such as minMaxU. You can add the following lines in the controlDict file with system case file and then run your respective solver.

type fieldMinMax;
functionObjectLibs ("");
mode magnitude;
outputControl timeStep;
outputInterval 1;

This will provide you with a .dat file containing the maximum and minimum velocity over time steps within postProcessing file.

Subhasree Basu
Fossee Team, IIT Bombay
05-04-16, 6:33 p.m. Subhasree
Thank you very much sir.
05-04-16, 10:38 p.m. vnarayana.wgl

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