assignment question 2
While solving the assignment in the second question its been asked to plot a scatter plot of imdb_rating and imdb_num_votes.
I did typed
plot(x = movies$imdb_rating,
y = movies$imbd_num_votes,
main = "IMBD rating vs imbd num votes",
ylab = "imbd num votes",
xlab = "IMBD rating",
ylim = c(0,100000),
xlim = c(0,10),
col = "red")
I am not getting the scatter plot instead i am getting a straight dotted line across the x-axis.
Could you please help.
R Plotting-Bar-Charts-and-Scatter-Plot 09-10 min 0-10 sec
It seems that the two variables are not well correlated, as shown below:
> cor(movies$imdb_rating, movies$imdb_num_votes)
[1] 0.3276467
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