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How to enable https for moodle server
Hi, I want to enable https for my moodle server. Can you guide me how to proceed?
How to download ssl certificate for moodle server??

Moodle-Learning-Management-System General None min None sec 23-07-20, 10:31 a.m. rakesh.patowary



For HTTPS, You have to configure https certificates with your Web servers like, Nginx/httpd. If you want you can use lets-encrypt free certificates for https. It's free for 90 days only, so you have to renew certificates every 90 Days.
Kindly check this link ""  for more information on https configuration. 
23-07-20, 1:25 p.m. ganeshmohite
Thank you for the quick response.
I installed moodle server in my linux machine using XAMPP server. I created the certificates using certbot command. Now I am stuck how to configure the xampp server for https so that moodle server also be able to access using https connection
23-07-20, 3:03 p.m. rakesh.patowary
Basically, I want to know how to configure XAMPP server to enable https in ubuntu 18.04??
23-07-20, 3:21 p.m. rakesh.patowary

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