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Regarding to read img from home directory
Sir,  when I run command 
G = plt.imread('squares.png') I get error that no such file or directory
While I already downloaded it in home directory

Python-3.4.3 Image-manipulation-using-Arrays 09-10 min 50-60 sec 02-07-20, 6:24 p.m.


Please find where your squares.png file is located and add the full path of the file in the imread argument 
08-07-20, 6:11 p.m. ankitrj.iitb
please mention the syntax for imread function if the file is present in the downloads folder of the laptop

19-07-20, 4:39 p.m. krisram
imread(“C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\squares.png”). This should read the image, just check for the right path
25-10-21, 6:30 p.m.

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