where & how do I find R programming video?
How to find R programming videos & to prepare to attend test on spoken tutorial
R Installing-R-and-RStudio-on-Windows 01-02 min 0-10 sec
The tutorials are available on https://spoken-tutorial.org/tutorial-search/?search_foss=R
Please note that our tests are offered "only through colleges" at a nominal cost. We suggest that you study using our course material during the COVID-19 lockdown. Our tutorials are created for self-learning. Please use the forum to ask your doubts, as explained in a video on the course page.
On your return after your college reopens, tests can be arranged in your colleges. For more details, please contact your state representative at https://process.spoken-tutorial.org/index.php/Software-Training#Contacts_For_Training
- both phone numbers and email addresses are given in this link.
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