saving . . .savedCan not find eSIM component has been deleted.Can not find eSIM component has been hidden .
Can not find eSIM component
As per tutorial, i am trying to place component first time and new window appears as choose component. I can not find any component starting with eSIM there. May i get resolution on this? is any .exe i need to run? or is there any way to browse some file which i dont know?
which version of eSim are you using? 1.1.2 or 2.0 ?
25-05-20, 7:48 p.m.Saurabhb17
eSIM 1.1.2 on windows 7 32 bit
25-05-20, 8:12 p.m.bageshree
Open schematic, go to preferences -> component libraries ->
Click on Add
go to location where you have installed eSim(its supposed to be C:/FOSSEE/eSim per our guidelines)
Locate the kicadSchematicLibrary folder and select all the eSim libraries listed and click OK.
eSim components will be loaded
25-05-20, 8:15 p.m.Saurabhb17
select all the eSim libraries listed and click OK.
how select all esim lib .can we select it one by one
but its not working please guid me
27-05-20, 11:27
Once you have located the folder which contains the eSim libraries, you can press Ctrl+A and all libraries in the list will be selected.
27-05-20, 11:30 a.m.Saurabhb17
Thank you mam for your valuable guidance. Now when I I prepar schematic and simulate it then in transient analysis in list of node it shows in and net_c1-pad1 not output so I am not getting the results or wave for so please guide me
go to location where you have installed eSim(its supposed to be C:/FOSSEE/eSim per our guidelines)
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