saving . . . saved output of selected portion of R script has been deleted. output of selected portion of R script has been hidden .
output of selected portion of R script
if we use Run button:
in output 
command print(firstVar) is also displayed.
if we use  Source button:
only output is displayed.

how to elliminate command in output using Run

R Introduction-to-R-script 10-11 min 0-10 sec 28-04-20, 7:17 a.m.


This is due to the difference in how "Run" and "Source" functions. When we run a line or selected lines then all lines are inserted directly into the console whereas when clicked on Source the file is saved to a temporary location and then sourced into the console from there (thereby creating less clutter in the console and we don't see the commands getting displayed). And you cannot eliminate command in output using Run.
28-04-20, 2:53 p.m.

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