saving . . . saved oscad not getting installed in windows 10 has been deleted. oscad not getting installed in windows 10 has been hidden .
oscad not getting installed in windows 10
<span style="line-height: 21.4285717010498px;">i'm trying to install freeEDA in my windows 10 laptop from windows installer dowmloaded from but it is not getting installed... it shows error in between the installation period.. please help.. </span>

Oscad Introduction-to-Oscad 06-07 min 20-30 sec 19-08-15, 3:03 p.m. chandan_hh



Could you please let us know what was the error ?

To install on Windows please right click installer and run as administrator.

By the way we are launching a new flow of Oscad/FreeEDA (now known as eSim).

We have faculty meet coming Saturday. For more information please visit
19-08-15, 3:17 p.m. fahim

the freeEDA.exe was not installed and whenever i click on the shortcut it says file missing.
during installation setup was unable to copy freeEDA.exe

19-08-15, 3:23 p.m. chandan_hh


You right click and run as administration the setup file. (Note: All anti virus and windows defender should be disable.)
19-08-15, 4:35 p.m. Gaurav_Supal

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