saving . . . saved question no. 2 and 3, separate sequence has been deleted. question no. 2 and 3, separate sequence has been hidden .
question no. 2 and 3, separate sequence
question no. 2 and 3 solutions provide confusion to me, because u told two separate sequence , two variables can use. in this case three separate sequence, three variables only use but in your solution you are using only one variable, how it posiible.

Python-3.4.3 Loading-Data-From-Files 08-09 min 40-50 sec 23-04-20, 9:42 a.m. rkpoonkodi


The variable that is being used is single but it is a sequence of sequences or a list of lists. So the single variable contains all the three sequences.Please use print( variable_name ) to check the contents of the variable
23-04-20, 11:05 a.m. ankitrj.iitb

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