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how is lm_7805 footprint decided
sir,what if we are trying different circuits and then instead of lm_7805 i used lm555 timer.will the footprint be randomly chosen on basis of dimension.or there are any specific footprints for the subcircuits present and the one's we created
if you are using lm555 IC, the footprint needs to be chosen on basis of the specs given in datasheet of the LM555 IC. A general 8-pin DIP package is available under Housings_DIP footprint library.
13-03-20, 10:26 a.m.Saurabhb17
thanks for the reply,
so if we have to select footprint for lm555 based on specifications in datasheet.I made a subcircuit by myself which footprint to select for that.should i select based upon number of pins
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