eSim Started......
Project Selected : None
[INFO]: Workspace : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace
[INFO]: New project created : RC
[INFO]: Current project is : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC
[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC
[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called
[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC
[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC
[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC
[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC
[INFO]: New project created : CCAmplifier
[INFO]: Current project is : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called
[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called
[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called
[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[ERROR]: Exception Message :list index out of range
[ERROR]: Exception Message : integer division or modulo by zero
[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called
[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier
[ERROR]: Exception Message :list index out of range
[ERROR]: Exception Message : integer division or modulo by zero
eSim Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 11-12 min 40-50 sec
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