saving . . . saved Source Stepping Failed and Transient solution failed (Error in terminal) has been deleted. Source Stepping Failed and Transient solution failed (Error in terminal) has been hidden .
Source Stepping Failed and Transient solution failed (Error in terminal)

eSim Started......

Project Selected : None

[INFO]: Workspace : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace

[INFO]: New project created : RC

[INFO]: Current project is : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC

[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC

[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called

[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC

[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC

[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC

[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/RC

[INFO]: New project created : CCAmplifier

[INFO]: Current project is : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called

[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called

[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called

[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[ERROR]: Exception Message :list index out of range

[ERROR]: Exception Message : integer division or modulo by zero

[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called

[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/CCAmplifier

[ERROR]: Exception Message :list index out of range

[ERROR]: Exception Message : integer division or modulo by zero

eSim Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 11-12 min 40-50 sec 16-02-20, 7 a.m. Kotesh100


You have posted errors of 2 different examples that you created. Please post the .cir.out files for both the comments in the section
17-02-20, 10:45 a.m. Saurabhb17
First Example Worked well
Second examples .cir.out is below

* /home/kotesh/esim-workspace/ccamplifier/ccamplifier.cir

.include NPN.lib
q1 net-_q1-pad1_ net-_c1-pad1_ net-_c2-pad2_ Q2N2222
r3  net-_c2-pad2_ gnd 6k
r2  net-_c1-pad1_ gnd 10k
r1  net-_q1-pad1_ net-_c1-pad1_ 7.9k
c1  net-_c1-pad1_ in 3.6u
c2  out net-_c2-pad2_ 4.42u
* u1  in plot_v1
* u2  out plot_v1
v1  in gnd sine(0 2 50 0 0)
v2  net-_q1-pad1_ gnd 6
.tran 10e-03 100e-03 0e-00

* Control Statements 
print allv > plot_data_v.txt
print alli > plot_data_i.txt
plot v(in)
plot v(out)
17-02-20, 8:08 p.m. Kotesh100

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Please refer to the BJT_amplifier example provided with eSim.
reduce the sine amplitude to say, 100m. Reduce the step time to 100e-06

Adjust the values of resistors and capacitors. And please make sure that the global labels " in " and " out " are not floating i.e they are properly connected at the intended nodes.
18-02-20, 8:45 a.m. Saurabhb17

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