saving . . . saved bash: ngspice: command not found has been deleted. bash: ngspice: command not found has been hidden .
bash: ngspice: command not found
Unable to simulate the circuit due to python error

[INFO]: Workspace : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace

[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[INFO]: The current project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator/Bistable_Multivibrator.proj

[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called

[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[INFO]: Kicad Schematic is called for project /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[INFO]: Kicad to Ngspice Conversion is called

[INFO]: Current Project is /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[INFO]: Ngspice simulation is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[INFO]: PythonPlotting is called : /home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator

[ERROR]: Exception Message :[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator/plot_data_i.txt'

[ERROR]: Exception Message :local variable 'alli' referenced before assignment

[ERROR]: Exception Message : [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/kotesh/eSim-Workspace/Bistable_Multivibrator/plot_data_v.txt'

eSim Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 11-12 min 40-50 sec 13-02-20, 12:14 a.m. Kotesh100


Please run the following command in your terminal : sudo apt-get install ngspice
and press enter

Also, please post the contents of the Bistable_Multivibrator.cir.out file 
13-02-20, 10:38 a.m. Saurabhb17

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