saving . . . saved sir after succesful completion of conversion from kilcad to ngspice i am getting a error of python ploting has been deleted. sir after succesful completion of conversion from kilcad to ngspice i am getting a error of python ploting has been hidden .
sir after succesful completion of conversion from kilcad to ngspice i am getting a error of python ploting
sir after convertion to ngspice i am getting an error of python plotting plz respond quickly.

eSim Schematic-Creation-and-Simulation 11-12 min 40-50 sec 30-01-20, 12:08 a.m. sumanthvallapudas


Dear Sir,
If you are not getting Ngspice plots, then there will be an error at the net connection. Go to Ngspice console window and let us know what is the error you are getting. This window will appear when you click 'KicadtoNgspice' button.
30-01-20, 12:23 p.m. Glorianandihal

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